• Faculty

  • Antina von Schnitzler

    Associate Professor of International Affairs


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    Antina von Schnitzler


    Antina von Schnitzler is an Associate Professor in the Julien J. Studley Graduate Programs in International Affairs and an affiliate faculty member in the Department of Anthropology at NSSR. Her research and teaching has focused on citizenship, human rights and political subjectivities, the anthropology of science and technology, liberalism and neoliberalism, colonialism and postcoloniality, energy politics, and South Africa.

    Her first book, Democracy’s Infrastructure: Techno-Politics and Protest after Apartheid (Princeton University Press, 2016), received an honorable mention in the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology Book Prize competition in 2017. Her current work focuses on energy politics in South Africa, Germany and New York City.

    She has been a Visiting Fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame, and is a Research Associate at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Before joining The New School, she taught at Reed College.

    Degrees Held

    PhD 2010, Anthropology, Columbia University

    BA 1999, Anthropology, University of Sussex

    Recent Publications

    "Meters, Pipes, and the Materiality of Postcolonial Politics" in Ballim, Faeeza, Bronwyn Kotzen and Richard Rottenburg (eds). Translating Technology in Africa Vol IV Devices. (Brill, forthcoming)

    "Disciplining Freedom: Apartheid, Counterinsurgency and the Political Histories of Neoliberalism" in Slobodian, Quinn and Dieter Plehwe (eds). Market Civilizations: Neoliberals East and South (Princeton University Press, 2022)

    "Political Society and Popular Politics in Africa: An Introduction" (with Ruchi Chaturvedi) Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East (CSSAAME), Vol 39 (1), Spring 2019.

    "Notes on Democracy's Infrastructure" in Democracy in Africa Blog, July 21, 2019

    "Infrastructure, Late Apartheid Techno-Politics and Temporalities of "Transition"" in Anand, Nikhil, Appel, Hannah and Akhil Gupta (eds). The Promise of Infrastructure (Duke University Press, 2018).

    Meters, Measurement, Mediation in Cross, Jamie, Abram, Simone, Anusas, Mike and Schick, Lea. (2017) Our Lives with Electric Things, Cultural Anthropology Online, December 2017.

    Democracy's Infrastructure: Techno-Politics and Protest after Apartheid (Princeton University Press, 2016) [Honorable Mention, Association for Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA) Book Prize, 2017]

    "Preface: Public Infrastructures/Infrastructural Publics" (with Stephen J. Collier & James Christopher Mizes) Limn Issue 7, November 2016

    Ends” Infrastructure Toolbox. Fieldsights - Theorizing the Contemporary, Cultural Anthropology Online, September 24, 2015, http://culanth.org/fieldsights/713-ends

    "Performing Dignity: Human Rights, Citizenship and the Techno-Politics of Law in South AfricaAmerican Ethnologist, Vol. 41 (2), May 2014.

    "Traveling Technologies: Infrastructure, Ethical Regimes and the Materiality of Politics in South Africa" Cultural Anthropology, Vol 28 (4), November 2013.

    "Gauging Politics: Water, Commensuration and Citizenship in South Africa" Anthropology News, January 2010.

    "Citizenship Prepaid: Water, Calculability and Techno-Politics in South Africa" Journal of Southern African Studies, Vol. 34, No. 4, December 2008.

    Academia.edu Profile: https://newschool.academia.edu/AntinavonSchnitzler

    Current Courses

    Equivalency (PHD)
    NEQV 7001, Fall 2024

    Global Flows
    NINT 5001, Fall 2024

    GANT 6614, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Doctoral Research Seminar
    NPUP 7003, Spring 2025

    Equivalency (PHD)
    NEQV 7001, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Doctoral Research Seminar
    NPUP 7003, Spring 2024

    Equivalency (PHD)
    NEQV 7001, Spring 2024

    Pipeline Politics
    UGLB 4505, Spring 2024

    Pipeline Politics
    NINT 5163, Spring 2024

    Thesis Supervision
    NMDS 5960, Spring 2024

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