• Faculty

  • Sareeta Amrute

    Associate Professor of Strategic Design and Management


    Office Location
    L - 2 West 13th Street

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    Sareeta Amrute


    I am an anthropologist who investigates data-centric technologies and societies. I use ethnographic methods to explore how algorithmic technologies and AI systems change and are changed by social relations, especially in global South Asia. My body of research focuses on kinds of labor and capitalism inaugurated by these technologies and the ways that they may reproduce and reinforce as well as upend long-standing colonial relations. More recent work explores practices of trust, safety, and security online as a reaction to surveillant media regimes. My scholarship centers race and caste as analytics of power within technological domains.

    Degrees Held

    PhD Anthropology, University of Chicago

    BA Art History, Columbia University

    Recent Publications

    Encoding Race, Encoding Class: Indian IT Workers in Berlin   Want to Know About the Future of AI Equity? Watch What's Happening in California. Tech Policy Press.  

    Immigrant Sensibilities in Tech Worlds: Sensing Hate, Capturing DissensusCultural Anthropology.

    with Luis Felipe Murillo, Computing in/from the SouthCatalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience.

    Research Interests

    race, caste, data, AI, South Asia, majority world

    Awards And Honors

    2017 Diana Forsythe Prize awarded by the General Anthropology Division, the Society for the Anthropology of Work, and the Committee for the Anthropology of Science, Technology & Computing for Encoding Race, Encoding Class. 

    2019 International Convention of Asian Scholars Book Prize for Encoding Race, Encoding Class.

    Current Courses

    Design Research 2: Integration
    PSDS 3100, Fall 2024

    New Economies and Societies
    PGDM 5101, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Design Research 1: Methods
    PSDS 2100, Spring 2025

    External Engagement Studio
    PGDM 5225, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Design Research 1: Methods
    PSDS 2100, Spring 2024

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