Dr. Kristin Reynolds is Chair and Associate Professor of Food Studies at The New School.
She holds a Ph.D. in Geography and M.S. in International Agricultural Development from the University of California, Davis; and a B.S. in International Soil and Crop Sciences and B.A. in French Language and Literature from Colorado State University. She is an Affiliated Faculty at the Tishman Environment and Design Center at The New School; Affiliated Faculty at Yale Center for Environmental Justice; and Associated Researcher at the European School of Political and Social Sciences at the Université Catholique de Lille in France.
More information about Dr. Reynolds' research and scholarship are found at
Degrees Held
Ph.D., Geography, University of California, Davis
M.S., International Agricultural Development, University of California, Davis
B.S., International Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University
B.A. French Languages and Literature, Colorado State University
Professional Affiliation
Affiliated Faculty, Tishman Center for Environment and Design Center, The New School, New York, USA
Fulbright Specialist, The Fulbright Program, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs U.S. Department of State
Research Associate, European School of Political and Social Sciences (ESPOL), Université Catholique de Lille, Lille, France
Member, Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society
Member, Association for the Study of Food and Society
Member, American Association of Geographers
Recent Publications
Select Publications
Hammelman, C., Levkoe, C., and Reynolds, K., eds. (Equal authorship.) 2024. Radical Food Geographies: Power, Knowledge, and Resistance. Bristol University Press, Food & Society: New Directions series. UK.
Reynolds, K. and Cohen, N. 2016. Beyond the Kale: Urban Agriculture and Social Justice Activism in New York City. University of Georgia Press, Geographies of Justice and Social Transformation series.
Journal Articles
Reynolds, K., Gottfried, C., and Thomas, T. 2024. Racial equity and the USDA’s Office of Urban Agriculture granting program and urban offices [Policy brief]. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
Horst, M., McClintock, N., Baysse-Laine, Darly, S., Paddeu, F., Perrin, C., Reynolds, K., and Soulard, C. 2021. Translating land justice through comparison: a US-French dialogue and research agenda. Agriculture and Human Values.
Block, D. and Reynolds, K. (Equal authorship.) 2021. Funding a ‘people’s food justice geography’: supporting community-academic collaborations as fundamental food movement work. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.
Reynolds, K., Block, D., Hammelman, C., Jones, B., Gilbert, J., and Herrera, H. 2020. Envisioning Radical Food Geographies: Shared Learning and Praxis through the Food Justice Scholar-Activist/Activist-Scholar Community of Practice. Special issue on radical food geographies in Human Geography 13(3).
Hammelman, C., Reynolds, K., and Levkoe, C. 2020.Towards a radical food geography framework: Integrating theory, action and geographic analysis in pursuit of more equitable and sustainable food systems. Special issue on radical food geographies in Human Geography 13(3).
Levkoe, C., Hammelman, C., Reynolds, K., Brown, X., Chappell, J.M., Salvador,R., and Wheeler, B. 2020. Scholar-Activist Perspectives on Radical Food Geography: Collaborating Through Food Justice and Food Sovereignty Praxis. Special issue on radical food geographies in Human Geography 13(3)
Moreau, S., Laigle, L., Reynolds, K., and Lewis, N. 2019. Justice environnementale et vote vert en Europe/Environmental justice and the Green vote in Europe. (In French and English.) Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice. No 13.
Moreau, S., Laigle, L., Reynolds, K., and Lewis, N. 2019. Justice environnementale et vote vert en Europe/Environmental justice and the Green vote in Europe. (In French and English.) Justice Spatiale/Spatial Justice. No 13.
Deldrève, V. Lewis, N., Moreau, S., and Reynolds, K. 2019. Les nouveaux chantiers de la justice environnementale/ New frontiers of environmental justice (In French). Guest editors’ introduction to special issue of VertigO: La Review Électronique en Sciences de l’Environnement.
Reynolds, K., Block, D., and Bradley, K. 2018. Introduction to special issue Food Justice Scholar-Activism and Activist-Scholarship: Working Beyond False Dichotomies to Deepen Social Justice Praxis. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies.
Reynolds, K. 2017. Designing urban agriculture education as liberatory praxis: the radical pedagogy of Farm School NYC. International Journal of Food Design. 2(1): 45-63. Special issue on food design education.
Cohen, N. and Reynolds, K. 2015. Policy, resource, and technical assistance needs for a socially just and sustainable urban agriculture system: lessons from New York City. Journal of Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 30(1): 103–114.
Reynolds, K. 2014. Disparity despite diversity: social injustice in New York City’s urban agriculture system. Antipode. 47(1): 240-259.
Cohen, N. and Reynolds, K. 2014. Urban agriculture policy making in New York’s ‘New Political Spaces’: strategizing for a participatory and representative system. Journal of Planning and Education Research. 34(2): 221–234.
Reynolds, K., 2011. Expanding technical assistance for urban agriculture: Best practices for extension services in California and beyond. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 1(3): 197–216.
Book Chapters
Darly, S. et Reynolds, K. (Equal authorship) 2023. "Produire des aliments en ville/Politiser l’alimentation en contexte néolibéral. Montée en puissance de l’agriculture urbaine commerciale et nouvelle question agraire à Paris et New York à la fin des années 2010.” In Inégalités et Rapports de Pouvoir en Ville: Actualité de la critique urbaine. Clerval, A., Gardesse, C. et Rivière, J. eds.
Reynolds, K. 2022. “Food sovereignty in the context of structural violence: power, scale, and resolve in the United States of America.” In Food Justice and Sovereignty in the Americas: Inequalities, Food, and Agriculture. (English version.) Prunier et al., eds. (2020). UNAM; CEMCA; École Urbaine de Lyon; y Fundación Henrich Boëll.
Reynolds, K. 2020. Food, agriculture, and environmental justice: Perspectives on scholarship and activism in the field. In Environmental Justice: Key Issues. Coolsaet, B., (Ed.) Key Issues in Environment and Sustainability series. Routledge.
Specht, K., Reynolds, K., and Sanyé-Mengual, E. 2017. Community and social justice aspects of rooftop agriculture. Chapter in Orsini, F., Dubbeling, M., and Gianquinto, G. (eds.) Handbook of Rooftop Agriculture. Springer.
Research Interests
global food systems; food justice and food sovereignty; environmental justice; urban agriculture; radical geography; action research; scholar-activism