• Faculty

  • Pantea Farvid

    Associate Professor of Applied Psychology


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    Pantea Farvid


    Panteá Farvid (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Applied Psychology, within the Schools of Public Engagement and the chair of psychology in the Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students (BPATS). She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in social and applied psychology, psychology for social change, research methods, psychology of gender and sexuality, psychology and technology, and research methods.

    Her expertise, research, teaching and advocacy work center on the psychology of gender and sexuality. Dr. Farvid is the founder and director of The SexTech Lab at The New School, which examines evolving social issues at the intersection of sexuality, gender, race/ethnicity, culture, technology, and intimacy. Her work addresses various intersections of contemporary interpersonal, social, and structural inequities, with a view to mobilizing empirically driven social and political change. As of Fall 2023, she is also the co-director of the Gender and Sexuality Institute at The New School.

    Dr. Farvid works with interdisciplinary research teams, community organizations, and policy makers across the globe. She draws on mixed-methods, discursive methods, participatory approaches, as well as new and emerging methodologies. Dr. Farvid has a wide-ranging media profile addressing social and psychological issues (see for example, her TEDx talk on saying goodbye to binary gender), as well as being a frequent consultant to policy makers and private companies. Dr. Farvid is widely published, inside and outside academia, with a sole-authored book coming out on Psychology and Heterosexuality: Reckoning with Disciplinary Heteronormativity (Palgrave) as well as an edited collection on Sexual Racism and Social Justice: Reckoning with White Supremacy and Desire (Oxford University Press).


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    Degrees Held

    2011: PhD (Psychology), The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    2005: MA Honours (Psychology), The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    2003: BA Honours (Psychology), The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    2002: BA (Psychology), The University of Auckland, New Zealand.


    Professional Affiliation

    American Psychological Association

    NY State Psychological Association

    Association of Women in Psychology

    Women’s Studies Association of New Zealand

    Recent Publications


    Farvid, P. (forthcoming,). Psychology and Heterosexuality: Reckoning with Disciplinary Heteronormativity, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Callander, D., Farvid, P., Baradaran, A. & Vance, T. A. (In press). Sexual Racism and Social Justice: Reckoning with White Supremacy and Desire, New York: Oxford University Press.


    Peer-reviewed journal articles

    Farvid, P. & Saing, R. (2022). “If I don’t allow him to have sex with me, our relationship will be broken”: Rape, sexual coercion, and sexual compliance within marriage in rural Cambodia, Violence Against Women. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012211021130

    Abdolmanafi, A., Farvid, P., Tilly, MA., & Dadashi. A. (2021). “Men’s Power can be Overridden by Women’s Sexual Power”: Culture, religion, and the sexual beliefs of young married women in Iran. Culture and Sexuality, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12119-021-09882-1

    Farvid, P., Vance, T., Klein, S., Nikiforova, K. & Lopez, F. (2021). A systematic review of health, psychological wellbeing, and resilience among transgender and gender non-conforming people of color in the United States, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 31(6), 703-731. (part of special issue - Stonewall uprising: 50 years later—Emerging challenges for LGBTQ communities around the world).

    Vance, T.A., Lodge, T., & Farvid, P. (2021). Optimal Theory case conceptualisation: An African-centred therapeutic approach with Black LGBQ clients, Psychology & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/19419899.2021.1946583 (part of special issue - Critical Psychology Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Mental Health: Current issues and interventions).

    Sniewski, L., Krageloh, C., Farvid, P., & Carter, P. (2021). Meditation as an intervention for men with self-perceived problematic pornography Use: A Series of Single Case Studies.  Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-020-01035-1

    Bagheri, R., Shuib, R., Karupiah, P., Farvid, P. & Khalajabadi Farahani, F. (2020). A qualitative examination of men's participation in contraceptive use and its barriers in Tehran. Journal of Biosocial Science. 53(6), 868-886. DOI: 10.1017/S0021932020000589

    Badu, E., Mpofu, C., & Farvid, P. (2020). Tuberculosis disease trends among African migrants from 2010-2014 in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Public Health. [online]

    Glucina, T., Krageloh, C., Farvid, P. & Holt, K. (2020). Moving Towards a Contemporary Chiropractic Professional Identity, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 39 [online] doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2020.101105

    Glucina, T., Krageloh, C., & Farvid, P. (2019). Chiropractors’ Perspectives on the Meaning and Assessment of Quality of Life within their Practice in New Zealand: An Exploratory Qualitative Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 42(7), 480-491.

    Sniewski, L., & Farvid, P. (2019). Hidden in Shame: Heterosexual Men’s Experiences of Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use. The Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 21(2), 201–212.

    Sniewski, L., & Farvid, P. (2019). Abstinence or Acceptance? A Case Series of Men’s Experiences with an Intervention Addressing Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 26(3-4), 191-210.

    Farvid, P. & Braun, V. (2018). Gender, identity management, and the discursive positioning of “risk” in men’s and women’s talk about heterosexual casual sex. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47(5), 1405-1421.

    Badu, E., Mpofu, C. & Farvid, P. (2018). Towards TB Elimination in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Key Informant Insights on the Determinants of TB among African Migrants. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 3(2), 44-56.

    Badu, E., Mpofu, C. & Farvid, P. (2018). Is New Zealand immigration policy a barrier to TB elimination? The New Zealand Medical Association, 131(1477), 120-122.

    Sniewski, L., Farvid, P., & Carter, P. (2018). The assessment and treatment of adult heterosexual men with self-perceived problematic pornography use: A review. Addictive Behaviors, 77, 217-224.

    Farvid, P. (2017). The politics of sex work in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific: Tensions, debates and future directions. Women's Studies Journal, 31(2), 27-34.

    Henry, M. & Farvid, P. (2017). ‘Always hot, always live’: Computer-mediated sex work in the era of ‘camming’. Women's Studies Journal, 31(2), 113-128.

    Pond, T. & Farvid, P. (2017). “I do like girls, I promise!”: Young bisexual women’s experiences of using Tinder. The Psychology of Sexualities Review, 8(2), 6-24.

    Farvid, P. & Braun, V.  (2017). Unpacking the ‘Pleasures’ and ‘Pains’ of Heterosexual Casual Sex – Beyond Singular Understandings. Journal of Sex Research 54(1), 73-90.

    Farvid, P., Braun, V., & Rowney, C. (2017). ‘No girl wants to be called a slut!’: Women, heterosexual casual sex and the sexual double standard. Journal of Gender Studies, 26(5), 544-560.

    Farvid, P. & Aisher, K. (2016). “It’s Just a Lot More Casual”: Young Heterosexual Women’s Experiences of Using Tinder in New Zealand. Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology, 10, 1-18.

    Paterson, J., Tautolo, E-S., Iusitini, L., Taylor, S., & Farvid, P. (2016). Pacific Islands families study: Intimate partner stressors and psychological distress among pacific adults. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 31(3), 301-311.

    Farvid, P., & Braun, V. (2014). The "Sassy Woman" and the "Performing Man": Heterosexual casual sex advice and the (re)constitution of gendered subjectivities. Feminist Media Studies, 14(1), 118-134.

    Farvid, P., Glass, L. (2014). “It isn't prostitution as you normally think of it. It's survival sex”: Media representations of adult and child prostitution in New Zealand. Women’s Studies Journal, 28(1), 47-67.

    Rowney, C., Farvid, P. & Sibley, C. (2014). "I laugh and say 'I have 'Earthquake Brain!'": Resident responses to the September 2010 Christchurch. New Zealand Journal of Psychology, 43(2), 4-13.

    Farvid, P., & Braun, V. (2013). Casual sex as not a natural act and other regimes of truth about heterosexuality. Feminism & Psychology, 23(3), 359-378.

    Terry, G., Braun, V., & Farvid, P. (2012). Structural impediments to sexual health in New Zealand: Key informant perspectives. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 9(4), 317-326.

    Farvid, P. (2012). The historic emergence of heterosexual casual sex. In R. Scherman, C. Krageloh, & S. Nayar (Eds.), Full peer-reviewed article in Walking the Talk: AUT School of Public Health and Psychosocial Studies. Auckland: AUT University.

    Farvid, P. & Rowney, C. (2012). Un/doing ‘covert’ field-work in the New Zealand Sex Industry. Walking the Talk. Auckland: AUT.

    Farvid, P. (2011). Reflections on the ‘strategic man’ in heterosexual casual sex advice. Walking the Talk. Auckland: AUT.

    Farvid, P. (2010). The benefits of ambiguity: Methodological insights from researching 'heterosexual casual sex'. Feminism and Psychology, 20(2), 232-237.

    Beres, M. A. & Farvid, P. (2010). Sexual ethics and young women's accounts of heterosexual casual sex. Sexualities, 13(3), 377-393.

    Farvid, P. & Braun, V. (2006). 'Most of us guys are raring to go anytime, anyplace, anywhere': Male and female sexuality in Cleo and Cosmo. Sex Roles, 55(5-6), 295-310.


    Scholarly chapters

    Farvid, P., Epstein, S., Lumpkin, L., Canton, T., & King, M. (in press). The racial stratification of the sex industry. In D. Callander, P. Farvid., A. Baradaran & T. Vance (Eds.). Sexual Racism and Social Justice: Reckoning with White Supremacy and Desire, New York: Oxford University Press.

    Farvid, P., Nathan, R., Riccardi, J., & Whitmer, A. (in press). Gender, power and agency in online sex work: An expanded framework of (constrained) consent in the context of “camming”, in L.  James-Hawkins and R. Ryan-Flood (eds). Consent: Gender, Power and Subjectivity, London: Routledge.

    Farvid, P. & Braun, V. (in press). A critical encyclopaedia of heterosex. In K. Hall & R. Barrett (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    Mariam, M. & Farvid, P. (2022). Visual Motif Analysis: A qualitative method for analysing visual data online. Visual methods. SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781529601800

    Beres, M. A. & Farvid, P. (2021). Doing theoretical thematic analysis. In V. Braun & V Clarke (Eds.), Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide. London: Sage

    Farvid, P. (2018). Gender Equality Education and Media Literacy: The Primary Prevention of Sexism. In G. Tibe Bonifacio (Ed), Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives, (pp. 107-125) Emerald Press.

    Farvid, P. (2018). Sexual Stigmatization. In T. K. Shackelford and V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Switzerland: Springer Nature

    Farvid, P. (2015). Heterosexuality. In M. Barker, & C. Richards (Eds.), The Psychology of Sexuality and Gender, (pp. 92-108) Houndmills: Palgrave.

    Farvid, P. (2015). Cyber Intimacies. In N. Naples (Ed), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

    Farvid, P. (2014). Heterosexual women’s (counter)narratives of desire and pleasure in casual sex. In S. McKenzie-Mohr and M. Lefrance (Eds.), Women Voicing Resistance: Discursive and Narrative Explorations (pp. 121-140). Hove: Routledge.

    Farvid, P., Landon, J., & Krageloh, C (2014). Psychology. In V. Wright-St Clair, D. Reid and S. Shaw (Eds.), Evidence Based Health Practice. Oxford University Press: Oxford.


    Research Interests

    The primary prevention of gender inequality and sexism (including gender-based/sexual violence)

    Emerging social issues in gender, sexuality, technology and intimacy (e.g., mobile dating, online sex work, “sugar dating”, AI and human intimacies, robot sex).

    The politics of Sex Work

    Applied ethics, moral psychology, AI and Ethics

    Contemporary shifts in intimate life (within the West and within Iran)

    Methodological developments in psychology 


    Current Courses

    Psychology, Tech & Ethics
    NPSY 3339, Fall 2024

    The Sex Tech Lab
    NPSY 2005, Fall 2024

    Future Courses

    Independent Study
    GLIB 6990, Spring 2025

    Psychology of Gender
    GPSY 6359, Spring 2025

    The Sex Tech Lab
    NPSY 2005, Spring 2025

    Past Courses

    Independent Study
    GLIB 6990, Spring 2024

    Psychology and Sexuality
    NPSY 3602, Spring 2024

    The Psychology of Sexuality
    GPSY 6449, Spring 2024

    The Sex Tech Lab
    NPSY 2005, Spring 2024

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